These Are Not Your Mother's Wedding Photos!!
Recently, a new trend in wedding photography has brides posing in their dresses in very non-traditional surroundings or with unusual props.
"Trash the Dress," also known sometimes as "rock the frock," is an unusal type of wedding photography. Occuring post-ceremony, the pictures usually feature the bride in her gown in a non-traditional setting or with odd props. According to a 2007 New York Times article entitled, "Is This Any Way to Treat Vera Wang," the trend was started in 2001 by Las Vegas photographer John Michael Cooper as a combined effort of a bride feeling "antiwedding" and Cooper's desire to explore creative and daring wedding photos. Since then, the trend has exploded, with photo shoots featuring brides, and in some cases, their grooms, as well as bridesmaids and promgoers.
There are many personal reasons a bride chooses to trash a pricey wedding gown. First, some brides would pefer to have the photos rather than a preserved wedding gown. Second, some brides enjoy the idea of having creative and daring photos as part of their wedding album and memories. Third, "Trash the Dress" photos may allow newlyweds to express themselves individually and as a couple as opposed to the beautiful yet very traditional shots already lining their wedding albums. This expression can come in the form of settings and props.
One of the most charming parts of a "Trash the Dress" shoot is the unusual settings. The following ideas can be used in a "Trash the Dress" shoot.
· Bride at the beach. In warm weather, some of the most beautiful photos are of newlyweds laying in the sand together, or swimming together. Brides can mimic mermaids in the water as the floating material creates photos with an etheral touch.
· Bride in the park. Brides can embrace their inner child by playing on the playground in their gowns. An added bonus? Have a photo of the groom pushing her on the swings, or all of the bridal party riding on the merry-go-round.
· Bride in the city. Often, urban settings create some of the most unusual and artistic photos. Train tracks or fire escapes add a gritty feel to photos. Or, look for urban touches such as distinctive buildings or decor, or even graffiti. These photos can be especially beautiful in black and white.
· Bride in the country. Release your inner cowgirl with a "Trash the Dress" photo shoot on a farm. Being photographed in a field of flowers or mud can yield fascinating results.
PropsProps or unusal accessories are a great way to show one's individuality. Ideas include:
· Animals. What better way to showcase beloved family pets than by getting a photo with the bride romping with them in some wedding finery?
· Motorcycles and tractors. Forget the photo of the bride stepping into a limo. Show off her bad girl side by posing in wedding finery on a motorcyle, or lose the fear of getting dirty by posing on a tractor. To make it even more interesting, pose on a mechanical bull and wear a cowboy hat.
· Hobby props. Love to read? Get a picture of the bride in her gown reading a book on a porch, bare feet proped on the railiong. Does the bride and groom enjoy baseball? Put on those baseball hats, grab some bats and balls and commerate the couple's hobby.
· Accessories. Remember, personal details is what makes the picture special, and a "Trash the Dress" shoot can be very personal. Don't be afraid to put on those combat or cowboy boots and hike up that long skirt. Hats and jewelry are other great ways to let a bride's personality shine through.
Above all, a "Trash the Dress" shoot should be fun. Be warned – that beautiful dress may get dirty or torn, or some brides prefer to destory them entirely in the name of art. But should you chose to participate in this, the couple can end up with a collection of beautiful, artistic pictures which they will treasure for years to come.
Photo Credits to Dawn Shields Photography and
as examples of the type of work I want to do here for local brides & seniors.
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